RESPIRATOR with telemetry

A nationwide project to fight COVID-19 in cooperation with technical, medical, economic universities and private companies.

The goal of the project is to develop a ventilator for effective COVID-19 treatment.

The device is microprocessor controlled using adaptive algorithms and allows remote monitoring of the patient (telemedicine).

RespiSave logo


Designed by a team of specialists
in the fields of medicine, electronics, automation, computer science and mechanics.

The ventilator is designed for non-invasive and invasive ventilation. Designed to be able to use it at home. Designed for everyday use, it provides freedom and confidence in care.

The device offers a range of treatment options for both adult and pediatric patients. The device has been designed to support ventilation simply and effectively.

In cooperation with universities

Medical University of Bialystok

Medical University of Warsaw

Silesian University of Technology

University of Technology - Katowice

Lazarski University

First prototype tests

The respirator has been tested on a phantom which simulates lung's work

On 7th May 2020 telemetry functions has been tested

On 8th June 2020 a presentation for the Reuters Press Agency was held at the Lazarski Medical Simulation Center

Meet our team

Dr inż. Leszek Kowalik

Participant of the MBA program at the Warsaw School of Economics. He is the author of over thirty scientific publications, mainly in the field of IT and participated in dozens of scientific conferences and symposia.
His area of ​​interest includes: computer programming, electronic circuit design and implementation of digital circuits in programmable structures. He is the creator of many Polish patents.

Krzysztof Mizera

A graduate of the Poznań University of Technology at the faculty of management engineering and the School of Banking. CEO of the Bear-Lock company that has been manufacturing car security for over 40 years and the originator of numerous innovative solutions used in the automotive industry. Privately, automotive enthusiast specializing in the renovation of classics and individual sports - current European Vice Champion of Brazilian Jujitsu.

Michał Kucap

Michał Kucap

Michał Kucap - PhD student at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Medical University of Warsaw.
For 15 years associated with work in Emergency Medical Teams at the Voivodship Emergency Service in Katowice. He acts as the Provincial Coordinator of Emergency Medical Services province of Silesia.
Assistant professor at the University of Strategic Planning and the University of Technology in Katowice.
Speaker at over 70 symposia and scientific conferences. Author of thirty scientific publications and co-author of six monographs.

Bartłomiej Włodarczyk

A graduate of the University of Agriculture in Krakow and the Academy of Business College, majoring in MBA and the Academy of Sales Manager. For over 10 years, the CEO of the Enego company specializing in implementing IT and control systems in the automotive industry. Is the originator of many innovative solutions in the field of electronics and anti-theft devices for vehicles, participant in conferences on electromobility. Creator of several Polish patents. Interested in economics and automotive history.

Jerzy Ładny

Prof. Jerzy Ładny

Profesor dr hab. Jerzy Ładny - National Consultant in the field of Emergency Medicine, Head of the Emergency Medicine Clinic of the Medical University in Bialystok. Specialist in general surgery, public health and emergency medicine. CzA member of many expert groups at the Ministry of Health and the Medical Center of Postgraduate Education in Warsaw. CzA member of many scientific societies. Author of over 700 scientific publications.

Adam Walbórg

Absolwent EMBA (Executive MBA) Szkoły Głównej Handlowej w Warszawie. Autor nowych konstrukcji do przetworników oraz niezliczonych części do automatyki przemysłowej. Aktywnie działa w obszarze programowania CNC w automatyzacji w myśl Przemysłu 4.0. Ukończył też studia podyplomowe akademii KAIZEN, na Politechnice Warszawskiej jako koncepcji zarządzania działalnością operacyjną i obejmującą wiele współczesnych systemów zarządzania, jak: JustInTime, Lean Management, Total Quality Management, Total Productive Maintenance. Ukończył również podyplomowe studium Mechatronika w Wyższej Szkole Mechatroniki w Katowicach, oraz ukończył również studium w Instytut Technologii Maszyn Politechniki Warszawskiej

Bartosz Szymański

Bartosz Szymański z zamilowania i pasji pedagog i podróżnik. Większość swojego doroslego zycia poswiecil na poznawaniu krajow takich jak Hiszpania, Francja, Grecja, Wielka Brytania gdzie na tym etapie doswiadczyl glownych nurtow wyzwan stojacych przed polonia a ktore  analizował i nad ktorymi pracował w ramach Kongresu 60 Milionów.

Nauczyciel, czlonek kadry zarzadzajacej placowki oswiatowej a nastepnie pracownik organu nadzoru. Kwestia szeroko pojetej edukacji to nie tylko jego praca ale i pasja ktora rozwijał rowniez poprzez wdrazanie kolejnych odslon idei 60mln na calym świecie.

Klaudiusz Nadolny

Dr Klaudiusz Nadolny

Klaudiusz Nadolny - obtained the title of Doctor of Health Sciences at the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Medical University of Warsaw (with distinction). Since 2007, he has been working at the Voivodship Ambulance Service in Katowice. Currently, he is the Head of the Coordination Center. He is the Head of the Department at the University of Strategic Planning and an assistant Professor at the University of Technology in Katowice. He is a member of expert groups at the Ministry of Health and the Medical Center of Postgraduate Education in Warsaw. He is the author of over 170 publications in the field of emergency medicine. Author and co-author of eight scientific monographs. A reviewer of many magazines in Poland and abroad. He is the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the "Progress in Medicine" and "Emergency Medical Service" magazines.

Łukasz Szarpak

Prof. Łukasz Szarpak

Dr hab. n. med. Łukasz Szarpak is a university professor at the Medical Faculty of the Lazarski University in Warsaw. For 14 years associated with emergency medicine. Currently Head of the Lazarski Medical Simulation Center, President of the Polish Society of Disasters Medicine, Chief Editor of the Disaster and Emergency Medicine Journal, Deputy Editor in Progress of Medical Sciences, Academic Editor in Medicine and Associate Editor at BMC Anesthesiology . He is a member of many scientific societies. He is the author of over 500 scientific publications in the field of emergency medicine and anesthesiology. In 2018, he took the first place in the ranking of Scientific Leaders of the Medical University of Warsaw in 2015-2017. Scientific activity focuses mainly on assessing the effectiveness of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and aspects related to securing airway patency and assisting breathing.

Prof. Roman Starosolski

Dr hab. inż. Roman Starosolski is a professor at the Silesian University of Technology and deputy head of the Department of Algorithmics and Software at the Silesian University of Technology. He is the author of several dozen scientific publications and four patents in the field of computer science. His professional interests include programming languages, software engineering, data and image coding and compression, image data processing and transformation, biomedical imaging, image and video compression standards and adaptive algorithms.

Marian Błachuta

Prof. Marian Błachuta

Prof. dr hab. inż. Marian Błachuta is a full professor at the Department of Automatic Control and Robotics of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. Theory of control belongs to the area of ​​its applications. He promoted 4 doctors (all with honors), 2 doctorates are ongoing. He is the author of about 140 articles and over 100 conference papers. He is the co-author of 2 patents and one of the supervisors of the Silesian Greenpower inter-faculty student team participating in electric car races in Great Britain.

Stanisław Kowalik

Prof. Stanisław Kowalik

A graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (mathematics) and the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice (Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science - major: computer science). Doctor of Technical Sciences. He obtained a PhD in technical sciences at the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science of the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice. He also completed postgraduate studies at the Silesian University of Technology at the Faculty of Automatic Control in the field of "Automation and Industrial Telemechanics" and postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science in the specialization "Microcomputer Systems".

Support in terms of organization and management

Prof. Rafał Mrówka

He is the head of the MBA Program where he lectures Leadership and a professor at the Department of Management Theory at the Warsaw School of Economics. In addition to academic work, he has been working in business for over 20 years, running his own consulting companies. He has completed several dozen business projects in the areas of strategic people management, development of employee engagement, development and recruitment of managerial staff at various levels of the organization.

Media about us

Polish scientists design remote-controlled ventilator to fight COVID-19 –

A team of Polish scientists has designed a remote-controlled ventilator they hope will allow doctors to help critically ill patients breathe, but from a distance, in a bid to make medical personnel safer during the coronavirus pandemic.

Polscy naukowcy zaprojektowali zdalnie sterowany respirator do walki z COVID-19 –

Zespół polskich naukowców zaprojektował zdalnie sterowany respirator, który będzie mógł pozwolić lekarzom pomóc krytycznie chorym pacjentom oddychać, a jego obsługa ma być możliwa z zachowaniem odpowiedniego dystansu.

Politechnika Śląska opracowała prototyp respiratora z funkcją telemetrii –

 Naukowcy z Wydziału Automatyki, Elektroniki i Informatyki Politechniki Śląskiej opracowali prototyp respiratora z funkcją telemetrii, czyli możliwością zdalnego sterowania. Odbyły się już pierwsze testy na fantomach w Centrach Symulacji Medycznej ŚUM w Katowicach i Zabrzu.

Prototyp respiratora z możliwością zdalnego sterowania –

Respirator RespiSave został skonstruowany z myślą o przeprowadzaniu wentylacji pacjentów z COVID-19, ale nie tylko. – Jest to innowacyjny wynalazek, pozwalający na monitorowanie pacjenta zdalnie, przez Internet.

Naukowcy Politechniki Śląskiej stworzyli innowacyjny respirator wentylujący przez internet –

W urządzeniu zastosowano sterowanie mikroprocesorowe (przy pomocy algorytmów adaptacyjnych) oraz zadbano o to, by było łatwe w użytkowaniu nawet w warunkach domowych.

Polish scientists design remote-controlled ventilator to fight COVID-19 –

The RespiSave ventilator will allow doctors to monitor and adjust the device for COVID-19 patients via an app, reducing the risk of transmission.

Polish scientists design remote-controlled ventilator –

’RespiSave’ will allow doctors to help critically ill patients breathe from a distance, in a bid to make medical personnel safe during the coronavirus pandemic.


We współpracy wyższych uczelni medycznych, technicznych, ekonomicznych oraz firm prywatnych powstał właśnie ogólnopolski projekt wspierający lekarzy i szpitale w leczeniu choroby COVID-19


Michał Kucap, kierownik Szkoły Ratownictwa WPR w Katowicach oraz wojewódzki koordynator medyczny, uczestniczy w opracowaniu innowacyjnego respiratora.